6 Points You Need To Know About BDSM Slave

For the inexperienced or those on the outside hearing the word slave in a positive way can be a bit offputting, but when it comes to BDSM the term slave is one that is enjoyed by many of those from the BDSM lifestyle. So what is a BDSM slave? That is only one of the questions we are here to talk about today.

BDSM Slave

Dominant vs Submissive

Typically in BDSM there are two roles in a scene, dominant and submissive. The dominant person is one who is playing the role of the person in charge. On the other end is the submissive who is the person who is letting their partner take the role of leader. A wide variety of different submissive roles appear in the BDSM world. Slave is one of those submissive roles.

It should be noted that there is a midground between dominant and submissive known as switch. A switch, as the name implies, switches back and forth between roles. A slave can in fact be a switch but will typically only be referred to as a slave when they are actively being a submissive.

The Role of the Slave

As we mentioned above, the slave plays the role of the submissive, a pretty logical role for the title. Typically they have to perform tasks, follow rules, and otherwise obey their dominant. The dominant in a slave relationship is known as a master, owner, or similar title, depending on that specific relationship. In most relationships, the slave is viewed as property but in a loving way, it is the responsibility of the dom to take care of their property.

An interesting aspect is that while most slave relationships only engage in slave play in the bedroom, this isn't always true. In some relationships, the dominant partner is dominant all the time or during agreed times, including outside of the bedroom. This kind of play has to be thoroughly discussed and managed carefully as you do not want to expose unwilling parties to the scenarios you have.

The Slave Has Control

You might think that a slave is the one who is being controlled the whole time and that they have no power over the relationship. In truth, in a BDSM scene the submissive often has quite a lot of control. This can be something very important to consider as it can help to make the scene more enjoyable. The slave has control because their job is to deliver the pleasure. Another way that slaves have control is the fact that they still get to set limits, request scenes, and can still guide the scene.

All parties involved in a scene also have the ability to end a scene. This is essential and you should never engage in BDSM without having safewords and safety taken into consideration.

Is Slave Play Healthy?

People quite often argue that it can't be healthy to engage in sexual play where one person takes on the role of a slave. Without diving into the roles and the play, it can sound weird. There is no truth behind that argument though. As long as the play is consensual and safe it is perfectly healthy and normal to engage in any kind of kink play.

Repressing sexual desire and expression can actually be quite unhealthy and lead to a lot of pent up feelings. Such times can be quite unhealthy.

Just like safe and consensual slave play is healthy, it is also normal. Millions of people around the world engage in BDSM play and a good number of them have tried and/or enjoy slave play.

Safety as a Slave

Something that needs to be discussed that was briefly touched on in the last two sections is safety. Safety is important when you are engaging in BDSM play but especially so when you are the submissive and a slave. In most slave scenarios you are very vulnerable and you need to be able to trust the person you are playing with. Before engaging in slave play you should get to know your partner and form a level of trust, especially before you are put in a position when you near helpless with them.

Part of a BDSM relationship that a lot of people find enjoyable and informative is developing that trust. There is a lot you can do as you work up trust in order to be able to do more detailed scenes. A good example of a good start is creating a scenario with no restraints in which your slave can perform certain actions as they are instructed to.

We are going to mention safewords again because they are so important. Safewords give you the power to stop a scene whenever you are uncomfortable. No matter if you are the dominant or submissive, if your partner uses their safeword you need to stop. Another concept to consider is having a word to slow down. The slow down word allows you to take things, well, slower, which can be a great tool if you are just starting off in the world of BDSM and slave play.

Relationship Differences

One thing that everyone who is interested in the BDSM lifestyle should know is that every dynamic is different. Couples, groups, or other forms of relationships will all have their own unique way of handling their roles. This comes from the nature of being human.

So while we discuss some basics here, it is incredibly important to keep in mind that each time you are with a new person you will have to discuss your roles and desires. A healthy discussion can be quite enjoyable and will set the groundwork for an amazing relationship. Even if it is a casual relationship.

BDSM is a big world and slave relationships are just one part of it. These relationships receive a lot of attention because of the term slave and can be quite a lot of fun. We highly encourage you to explore the world of slave play if it interests you. At the same time, we also want to encourage everyone to try new things. Get out there and try new things, you never know what you might discover. That is why you are reading this article afterall.